Steve Ely
I’ve been in the software and technology industry with a focus on information for a very long time

Steve Ely is CEO of eCredable – a FinTech company that provides credit building tools to consumers and small business owners, based in Alpharetta, Georgia.
There are approximately 45 million Consumers who are not scoreable using traditional credit scoring methods. Almost 85% of all businesses do not have a business credit score due to a lack of information in their business credit reports. Since phone and utility companies do not typically report to credit bureaus, Consumers and Small Business Owners are not receiving any benefit for paying these bills on time.
eCredable helps Consumers report their phone and utility bills to participating credit bureaus for the purpose of building or improving their credit profile, which directly impacts mainstream credit scores like FICO Score 8 and VantageScore 3.0. eCredable helps Small Business Owners report their phone and utility bills to participating business credit bureaus.
Steve serves on the Advisory Boards of the National Diversity Coalition and the National Association of Asian Americans. Both organizations are focused on expanding access to mainstream financial services. Project REACh is an OCC led initiative focused on improving inequalities within the financial services ecosystem. Steve co-chairs the Small Business Access to Capital subcommittee and sits on the Homeownership subcommittee as well.
From late 2005 through 2009, Steve was President of Equifax Personal Information Solutions, which provides credit-related products to consumers that helps them manage their credit health, protect themselves against identity theft, and improve their overall financial well-being.