Financial Literacy

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Financial Literacy

This fun and interactive program aims to teach kids from kindergarten to grade 12 good financial habits and entrepreneurial training and promoting economic well-being through Money Tales like Rock, Daisy Bubble, Shark Scam, Billy the Borrowing Blue-Footed Booby,, and Princess Persephone Loses the Castle. These stories teach concepts such as savings, leveraging, borrowing, supply and demand, scams, Ponzi schemes, contracts, and bad lenders. For example, Princess Persephone Loses the Castle introduces mortgage lending and its risks, while Shark Scam highlights the importance of investigating before investing.

The author, former FDIC Chairperson Sheila Bair, reads these stories in person while synchronized live to many schools allowing the kids to ask questions and react, introducing basic financial understanding and informed financial decision-making. These lessons aim to improve financial habits and yield long-term societal benefits.

In 2024, we conducted two rounds of series. The first series was on March 11, 2024. We conducted the program at three in-person schools and eight streamed online. We reached 1,300 students from elementary, middle, and high school, and the second October 2, 8-11 visited seven schools with the reading streamed to each Unified School District’s intermediate schools in very low-income areas in Compton, Crenshaw, Montebello, La Habra, La Mirada, and National City, San Diego. Followed by seminars with parents. Our CEO, Faith Bautista, believes that engaging parents is essential in building healthy financial habits for kids early on. The total number of youth reached 8000, not including their parents. In 2025, we aim to double the number of students reached and streamed online to 16,000 students. This program will address the critical need for comprehensive financial literacy among young individuals starting in Kinder to Grade 12 for underserved communities. We aim to bridge the gap in financial literacy, providing high-quality financial education and entrepreneurial training and promoting economic well-being and stability through storytelling and interactive learning.

4333 Admiralty Way Suite #2, Marina Del Rey CA 90292

(310) 351-0857