Pastor Jack Miranda - Board Chair, NDC
The triad of church, campus, and community is critical toward building the Kingdom
Jesse Rubel Miranda III, aka “Jack” is the founding Pastor of Living Faith in La Mirada, an Assemblies of God-affiliated local church.
Pastor Jack is the Executive Director of the Jesse Miranda Center for Hispanic Leadership, and its subsidiary, JMCasas. He is an Ordained Minister and Executive Presbyter with the Southern Pacific District of the A/G. He retired from California State service as a Youth Correctional Peace Officer/Counselor in 2008 after 22 years and holds various board of director positions with public and private organizations. He is currently on the Planning Commission of the City of La Mirada. He holds a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Studies from Azusa Pacific University and did his undergraduate work at Vanguard University. He and his wife Eileen, have been married for 43 years, and have seven children and eight grandchildren.